
Executive Coaching

Valuable for emerging or experienced leaders, Executive Coaching is an opportunity to narrow focus on specific high-leverage areas of performance.

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First, gain insight into your relationship to self and others through a robust 360 data collection process and self-assessment. Then, contextualize those results by analyzing the current state, exploring options, setting measurable goals and creating a plan to accomplish them. Finally, put your plan in to action and assess your progress, follow up on commitments and gain flexibility and adaptability.

All engagements are customized to your needs, but a sample engagement could include:

  • Career review and discovery
  • Robust 360 interview process yielding valuable feedback and insights
  • Individual Feedback Report
  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
  • Twice monthly 60-minute one-on-one sessions over a defined period
  • After-Action Review and feedback
  • Coaching sessions include all relevant resources, frameworks, and learning tools used during the engagement

Customized Leadership Workshops

We customize experiences tailored to your group's needs and deliver in-person or virtual training that is experiential, action-oriented, outcome-driven and builds on the participants' existing capabilities. Workshops can be delivered as standalone sessions or as building blocks to a longer program. Whether your group is large or small, our team fosters engagement and creates an elevated space where participants can learn, practice and receive individualized feedback.

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  • Accelerate New Leaders .
  • Build High Performing Teams .
  • Coach to the Situation .
  • Enhance Partnerships .
  • Give and Receive Feedback .
  • Harness your Values .
  • Manage your Energy .
  • NBI Thinking Preferences Workshop .
  • Prepare for the Next Crisis .
  • Present for Impact .
  • Question and Listen Effectively .
  • Understand your Leadership Style and Impact .

Communications Consulting

Communication literacy is a fundamental executive skill that requires preparation and practice. Communications Consulting is customized to your needs whether it is preparing for a main stage speaking engagement, polishing a sales pitch, delivering key messages or refining your executive presence.

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All engagements are customized to your needs, but a sample engagement could include:

  • Interpersonal Leadership Styles Assessment to discover your style and understand its impact on others
  • One-on-one drafting sessions to craft and refine your story
  • One-on-one delivery coaching sessions focused on success drivers
  • Recorded “dress rehearsal” practice and feedback session
  • Day-of guidance and support

Human Capital Advisory

We provide talent development services and advise on human capital strategy including: talent acquisition and management, diversity and inclusion, change management, performance management, and organizational culture.

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Strategic human capital management, targeted leadership development, continuous learning, and a relentless focus on organizational culture contribute to the “secret sauce” of success. Veritas Leadership provides expertise to firms who want to stay laser focused on their talent without having to build their own internal team.

We offer advice in areas including:

  • Talent acquisition
  • Talent management
  • Human capital strategy
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Change management
  • Performance management
  • Organizational culture

Assessments and Psychometric Instruments

We use self-assessments and psychometric instruments as a way for you to gain valuable feedback and insight about your own preferences and behaviors. Assessments can be given individually as part of a coaching engagement or to groups as part of a team or group training session.

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  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) describes bright-side personality – qualities that describe how we relate to others when we are at our best. Whether your goal is to find the right hire or develop stronger leaders, assessing personality gives you valuable insight into how people work, how they lead, and how successful they will be.
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS) describes the dark side of personality – qualities that emerge in times of increased strain and can disrupt relationships, damage reputations, and derail peoples’ chances of success. By assessing dark-side personality, you can recognize and mitigate performance risks before they become a problem.
  • Interpersonal Leadership Styles (ILS) survey is a powerful interpersonal communications tool that focuses on individual styles of behavior and the impact different styles have on the quality of relationships and personal and team performance.
  • iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram is a framework that offers in-depth insight for individuals and groups. The Enneagram offers a rich map to personal development from an open systems perspective. Consisting of three Centers of intelligence, nine main Enneagram types, 18 wings, three subtypes and Triadic styles, the Enneagram opens a pathway to self-discovery and greater personal awareness. It empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own behaviors and growth, through a greater understanding of why they act and react the way they do.
  • NBI™ Thinking Preference Assessments are a powerful suite of neuroscience-based psychological assessments. Based on modern insights from the fields of neuroscience, creativity and psychology, the assessments help individuals, leaders, teams and organizations unlock their full potential. The NBI™ framework provides insights into left hemisphere (local processing), right hemisphere (global processing), cognitive and affective types of thinking. Such insights can lead to enhancement in the areas of social-emotional intelligence, self-awareness, creativity, leadership, communication, team performance, presentations, conflict resolution and more.